What Is Kingdom Builders?

Kingdom Builders is our way of bringing the Gospel to all nations through a faithful group of believers who are passionate about generosity. A Kingdom Builder is an individual or family that prayerfully commit to give over and above their tithes to fund global and local missions, local expansion and next generation leaders.

5 Lanes of Kingdom Builders

When you give to the Kingdom Builders fund, you are funding projects and organizations in these categories.

Global Impact
Global Impact

Supporting key missions projects such as providing vehicles and humanitarian aid, church planting, resources and pastoral development. Everyone, in every nation, deserves a chance to hear the Gospel.

Organizations & Initiatives Supported: 100+ Missionaries through monthly support, Project Rescue, Cry of India, Wycliffe Bible Translation, BGMC, Speed The Light

2024 Projects: Install HVAC Systems at Romania church plant, ReMade India kitchen and roof renovation, land purchase and funding for health and fitness classes, Stone Table Asia Pacific Projects.

National Impact
National Impact

Supporting projects such as disaster relief, church planting and missionaries to the United States.

Organizations and Initiatives Supported: Convoy of Hope, Urban Ministries, Adult & Teen Challenge, Prison Ministry

Local Impact
Local Impact

Making an impact in the city we live in by supporting organizations that care for women experiencing unplanned pregnancies, immigrants, ministering to college students and those struggling with addiction and funding projects like building wheelchair ramps, teacher appreciation initiatives and more.

Organizations and Initiatives Supported: Community Care, Love Our Schools, Chi Alpha Fort Wayne, A Hope Center, International House, Allen County Jail Ministry

Next Generation
Next Generation

Coming alongside our future Christian leaders to foster a love for the Bible, God and the lost, caring for the needs of our future leaders from birth through those beginning their careers. We want the next generation to serve, give and love more.

Initiatives Supported: Camp & Retreat Scholarships, Future Residency/Internship Program

FAFW Expansion
FAFW Expansion

Funding the growth of the church locally through expanding our facility, revitalizing churches in our communities and ministering to the hurting in our own congregation.

Initiatives Supported: Renovate Kids Lobby, Remodel Room 79, Future Church Revitalization


How are projects funded?

These projects are only funded by the over and above giving to Kingdom Builders. This is a separate fund from the tithe.

I currently give to Missions or Community Care directly. Am I still able to do that?

When you give to Kingdom Builders, you are giving to Missions and Community Care through our Local and Global Impact Lanes. Giving to the KB fund as a whole benefits each ministry! It allows us more freedom to fill in gaps for these areas depending on their specific need.

We are asking those who faithfully give to Missions and Community Care to transfer their giving to the Kingdom Builders fund. But, if you designate your gift to one of these ministries directly, it will be given to them.

Who decides what projects are a part of Kingdom Builders?

Our executive leadership team, in collaboration with Kingdom Builders committee, prayerfully consider which organizations and individuals we will partner with and what projects we will give to.

How can I give to Kingdom Builders?

You can give on our web page by selecting the “Kingdom Builders” fund or in-person using a giving envelope and dropping it in a giving tower in the Sanctuary.

Reach the World

We want all nations and all people to be reached with the gospel so that the Kingdom of God is built all around the world. Kingdom Builders invests in missionaries, ministries and organizations who are doing strategic work with those who need it most. They are reaching the lost, serving the poor, changing the world and building the Kingdom of God here, near and far.

In 2023, we raised $323,699 for our Global and National Impact organizations and missionaries. We can't wait to see what God does through us this year!